Audio/MIDI multitrack recording software

New in MultitrackStudio 10.1

  1. More colors
  2. Plugin support improvements
  3. Shortcuts for power users
  4. Other

Note: pictures may be from a later version

1. More colors

3 more colors have been added for tracks, so there are now 10 colors to choose from. The existing colors have been fine tuned.

Content panes in 10 colors
Content panes in 10 colors

2. Plugin support improvements

  • Supports VST3 MIDI effects. VST3 instruments and audio effects can now have MIDI output.
  • Supports LV2 effect, instrument and MIDI effect plugins.
  • Significantly improved VST3 plugin compatibility.
  • Mac: Improved AU plugin compatibility.
  • You can still use the keyboard to control transport if a plugin steals keyboard focus (in most cases). This new behaviour can be turned off in the Plugin Manager.
  • Onscreen MIDI keyboard still works if a plugin steals keyboard focus (in most cases).
  • Multi-output plugins: names of outputs provided by plugin now appear in Output Mixer. They're also used for sidechain source names (Pro edition).
  • Remote Control: 'Mouse Control'/'Effect Mouse Control' actions work with VST3 plugins that support IParameterFinder.
  • Missing VST2 plugins: the Missing Effect/Instrument windows now have a 'Find VST3 version' button. Only works if the VST3 plugin exposes its VST2 ID.

3. Shortcuts for power users

  • 'Alt' mouse modifier for track's Play, Rec, Mute, Solo, Edit and collapse buttons: toggles all same-color tracks. Collapsed track's name now appears in the track's color.
  • 'R' mouse modifier for transport play/stop button: engage the Rec buttons of the last recorded tracks ('Re-Arm').
  • Pianoroll/Drum editors: Shift key can be used to ignore the Snap button, so you can add/move notes anywhere.
  • Pianoroll/Score/Drum editors: keyboard shortcuts now always work, even if the track's controller editor is visible.
  • Score editor: 'A' modifier can be used on the note duration box to add/remove dot.

4. Other

  • Track name box can be made wider using W+Click. Add Shift to make it narrower.
  • MIDI tracks respond to MIDI keyboard if one of its effects is visible (just like it already did for the instrument slot).
  • Mac: MIDI 2.0 device protocol changes are now handled.
  • Fixed: the Quantize and Legato options in a MIDI track editor's Edit Control window didn't update per-note controls.
  • Fixed: copying (imported) MIDI controllers to automation editors: multiple values at the same time location are handled better.
  • Fixed (Windows touchscreen mode): Tempo editor 'Stretch Accelerando' option (from SEL menu) now works as expected with pen or mouse.
  • Fixed (Windows): doubleclicking a song in File Explorer to open it wouldn't work on certain drives.
  • Fixed (Mac): Bluetooth audio devices (AirPods etc.) could cause problems if it was selected as Audio In Device.

Full Version History