- Nothing we know about you will be shared with anyone.
- We keep details of customers (name and address) on file, so we can find your license in case you need to have it resent in the future.
- Customers will be notified of new versions via email. You can unsubscribe by replying to one of these messages.
- Users of our iOS apps will be notified of updates via Apple's App Store. We know nothing about individual users.
Product details:
- Our products do not 'phone home'.
Website details:
- The site uses no 3rd party trackers.
- Orders are processed by Paddle.com, their privacy policy is here.
- Videos are hosted on YouTube, so they will know if you click a link to a video.
- The user forum uses cookies, mostly to keep you logged in. There's an option to delete them. The registration page uses Google's reCAPTCHA to prevent spam.
Please contact support@multitrackstudio.com if you have any concerns.